Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good News, Bad News

The good news: I am still not drinking cokes and sweet tea. I am still playing basketball two nights a week.

Bad news: I am not running any. I have been snacking at night when I get bored.

The good news: I realize this. I realize I need to make a change. I wrote a plan out on paper. It is an easy to accomplish plan, that I can make more difficult as I go. I am going to run two days a week and play basketball two days a week. I am going to throw a long walk in there as well.

We were out of town last week visiting a friend and went for a hike. It was nice. I would like to do more of this. We have some really nice mountains close by that I could go hiking on.

I still have not been able to find a job. I am getting more and more frustrated about this. I struggled and bumped my way through college and now I cannot put my degree to work. I have made a grand total of $9.15 from this blog. But I will not get a check until I get to $100. I know God has something in store for me, but I am struggling to be at peace with that thought.

I am over halfway to my goal weight. If I could get my head squared away I could exceed my goal weight. I want to get to 210, but I know if I can get my head squared away I can get down to 185.

Summer is coming to a close. What are you going to do to close it out?


Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday night basketball was great. We had just enough to run five on five. I hate having to sub guys in and out. Not only does it increase the likelihood of me having to sit out, but it takes forever for the games to start back because of water breaks and people chatting. I am very impatient. I hate waiting on other people. I went to the physical therapist yesterday about my hip pain from May. She told me I need to stretch more. My wife dropped me off, and instead of waiting for her to come pick me up, I started walking toward where she was. Partially because I hate waiting, because I wanted to walk, and because I couldnt force myself to hang out in the waiting room with all the old people at the VA hospital. We are going to the lake here in a little while and I am eventually going to come home and run at least 33 minutes for my 2nd day of half marathon training. I am looking forward to getting my legs back to running condition.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

back at it

My wife has been on me about running. I finally listened and got on the treadmill today. Man did it feel good to be back at it. I started out at a 6 rpm on the treadmill working up to an 8.2. I couldnt keep it at an 8.2, only because the circuit breaker kept tripping. It was a great run though. I ran for 30 minutes with a little leg pain. Breathing was no problem at all.
I am registered for another 5K in August. As soon as I get paid I am going to register for a half marathon in October. Spinxfest on October 30th will be my first half marathon. There may be a 13.1 sticker/tshirt purchase soon after that. I am not looking forward to the training, but cannot wait until the run.

It felt great running today. Looking forward to getting back to business.

CONGRATS to my Carolina Gamecocks for winning the College World Series National Championship! GO COCKS!

Still alive and not taking life too serious, because no one makes it out alive.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things have been crazy for the last month. The sad part is, I have not reacted quite like I should have. I have been hiding my frustrations in my plate. Up until the end of May I had been doing so well with my new healthy living. I cannot allow a tragedy to take away all that I have accomplished. I have not ran since May 22nd. I have got to get my butt in gear or it will be a sad sad day when I do try to get a run in.

I have to get back on this healthy lifestyle train and ride it until I die, regardless of when that is. I have to do everything I can to make myself the most healthy person I can be for my family.

I will have to look at my goals and make some adjustments now that I have been not doing the things that I need to do to reach my goals.

Today's plans:
Take my trash to the dump
Play with the kids
Search for job

I hope your summer is going the way you want it to go.

