When you make a decision to improve something it is usually hard work. My wife and I decided we did not like the carpet in our house. We stripped all of the carpet and padding from the floor. We had to scrape some excess glue and carpet tacks up. Sounds like a lot of work, right? That was just the beginning. We wanted to etch and stain the concrete underneath all of the carpet and padding. I went to the local equipment rental company and rented a HUGE industrial grinder. This thing was massive. It weighed at least 300 pounds. I was drenched in sweat by the time I had finished grinding the floor to an acceptable standard. I had to work very hard at getting this machine to go in a straight line much less just to get the machine to even move forward.
Every aspect of life improvement is hard work. Doing any do-it-yourself home improvement task requires lots of time, patience and hard work. Being a good employee is hard work. Becoming an improved employee is harder work. Being a good father is hard work. Becoming a better father is harder work. Staying alive is hard work. Staying alive and becoming fit and healthy is harder work.
By no stretch of the imagination is any of this unattainable. It will take a lot of the cliche adjectives that people like to use to describe hard working people. Dedicated. Motivated. Inspired. Responsible. Intentional. Deliberate. Somewhat obsessed. Focused. Driven.
I have been busting my butt in the gym. I do not think I have been any of the above mentioned adjectives enough to get to where I want to be. I have to become more intentional about what I do in the weight room and when I do it. I have to become more driven to get the results I desire.
My first 5K of the year is this Saturday. This week I will be focusing on upping the amount of cardio I do this week. I hope to get in 4 to 5 miles Monday through Thursday.
Lets get it done.
Drop me some comments and or questions. I would love to interact with the readers of this awesome publication.
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