Monday, April 19, 2010


Sunday was a day of relaxing. We woke up and laid around until time to go to church. I was awake for several hours before church started and somehow still managed to be late. FCC ( baptized 54 people on ONE Sunday. Amazing what God is doing in our little community.

We had borrowed my aunt's Lincoln Aviator for our vacation a week ago and needed to take it back to her. We met them at a park in Greenville. There were people running and biking all over the park. It is a shame that we do not have some place "safe" like that in Oconee County.
I found a 5K that has a mile run event for my children that actually breaks down the award category into age appropriate age levels. So far all the ones we have been to, have lumped all of the kids into one big age group, putting my much younger children at a disadvantage. I told my children about this run. They were excited. I told them just because they were going to have the opportunity to win an award it did not mean they would be the fastest in their age groups. I told them the best way for them to make sure they have a good shot at winning an award, is to train. They all said they wanted to train to be fast and win.

One motivating factor for me to get healthy and active is because of my children. Ryann in particular. I have never really said out loud that my daughter is overweight, but she is. I could give reasons or qualifiers to make it sound better, but I cannot do that. I have to accept the fact that I have failed my daughter up to this point. We are trying to help everyone in our family get healthy and active. I am more concerned about Ryann's future health not so much the weight right now. She will grow taller and this will equal her out. At least I hope so and hope that thought is not some old wise tale.

Hoping to motivate my children to become healthy and active.


1 comment:

  1. I understand what you mean about your daughter. My "baby" is 22 and married but she was diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes when she was 7. Why oh why we didn't start something like this then I will never know!! But now we're into week 7 and her health is so much better. It's what keeps me motivated now because I know if I quit, she will quit and she needs this.

    Sounds like you and your wife are awesome parents and have your priorities in the right place.

    Congrats on Saturdays run!

